“FinTech” success story

Posted on August 11, 2016

International business advisor Henry Tsuei ’89 converts his MBA into a rewarding, lifelong career 

Henry Tsuei is an accomplished business executive in the field of financial technology, or “FinTech” as it has come to be known. In many ways, his path began in the Bryan School’s MBA program, where he gained the skills and preparation to succeed. From various executive positions in the financial technology industry—including senior vice president for Western Union and president of First Data Corporation, North Asia—to his role as an international business adviser, Henry traces many of his accomplishments back to the education he received at UNCG.

While working as a design engineer for Analog Devices in Greensboro, Henry enrolled in the Bryan School, and quickly discovered that UNCG was the perfect match following his undergraduate degree in engineering from the University of Arizona.

One of the most compelling reasons was the way in which the school worked with him.

“The Bryan School is very accommodating to working professionals,” Henry recalls. “Today, a lot of schools offer versatile programs, but UNCG understood a young professional’s time constraints even back then.”

Henry also liked that he and his cohort shared a fervor for learning. They came from a variety of backgrounds and were all working and going to school at the same time with a common goal of achieving greater professional success.

It was the faculty, though, that made the most impact.

Outstanding preparation for an exciting journey

“There are people you are likely to never forget, it doesn’t matter how long it’s been. Professor Kathy Loyd is one of them,” Henry says. Now an executive-in-residence with the Bryan School, Kathy was an Information Systems professor at the time. “Because she works with leading info-tech industries, she has a very practical perspective. She would frequently bring in speakers from the industry. This was not a common practice at the time, but Professor Loyd led the way.”

Henry also remembers Professor Nick Williamson with fondness as well. His courses were challenging, but he offered consistent support for his students’ goals. When Henry and his classmates expressed an interest in an international marketing course, Nick encouraged them to petition for it. The school responded by creating the course and integrating it into the curriculum.

“That’s what I love most about the Bryan School. When they sense a need, they support it. I was thrilled because accessing training in international marketing was important to me, especially with my Asian heritage and background.”

Throughout Henry’s experience in the MBA program, the Bryan School philosophy of student support was demonstrated time and time again. “The school was really interested in my success,” he says.

Having come from an undergraduate experience at a very large state school, Henry was impressed by the one-to-one attention he received. “Every graduate student was assigned a desk in the library,” he says, smiling. “My name was on a placard glued to the desk. That was my desk. I loved going there because it reminded me that the school recognizes and supports my pursuit of an advanced degree.”

Henry was with First Data (previously a subsidiary of American Express) for more than 20 years. His MBA degree and training from UNCG gave him the preparation and confidence to make the switch from enjoying a rewarding engineering career to pursue his passion in international business.

“It took every skill, intuition and piece of knowledge to be successful throughout my career. Often I would think back to my training at UNCG, which without a doubt prepared me exceptionally well for my journey.”


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