Threads’ 4th Annual Pink Power Fashion Show

Posted on December 14, 2018

On October 26th, 2018 UNCG Threads Club presented the 4th Annual Pink Power Fashion Show in the Cone Ballroom on campus. Their mission, as it is every year, was to raise money and create awareness for breast cancer research while giving the Threads club members an opportunity to showcase their designs for a good cause. The Pink Power Fashion Show is always held in October in honor of breast cancer awareness.  This fashion show is completely student organized and extracurricular for each student.


Every year, 40% of the ticket proceeds are donated to support Mammography Scholarships at Cone Hospital. This year, $1,556.63 was accepted by the Cone representative Pam Berret for donation to the cause. Each year the attendance and amount Threads is able to donate grows.


This year, Threads collaborated with the UNCG Chariots, an on-campus a-capella group.  The Chariots performed two of their most inspiring and empowering songs to open The Pink Power Fashion Show. Breast cancer survivor Gina DeChambeau also came to speak to audience members about her experience as a survivor and gave some tips on how to recognize the early signs of breast cancer.  The show wrapped up after an hour and a half with Cone representative, Pam Berret, speaking briefly and accepting the donation on behalf of Cone Health.


The Pink Power Fashion Show honors the CARS Department and their students each year.  The department is proud of the hard work and dedication that these passionate students show each year to help others.  Congratulations on another great Fashion show Threads!






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