Company Trek: Syngenta

Posted on November 18, 2019

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By Mackenzie Winslow, second-year MBA student

In the Bryan School, our business education includes the exploration of a wide range of valuable concepts. One of the best instructors, however, is that of personal experience. This is what current MBA candidates had the opportunity to gain as we visited Syngenta’s corporate headquarters this month.

As we walked into the lobby, there was a sense of excitement and slight nervousness. We were about to get a behind-the-scenes look at a leading international agricultural company from top executives, including past UNCG MBA program alumni. It was our chance to learn about a major local employer first hand and possibly make a connection that could lead to a future career. We learn about important skills such as networking in the classroom but having the chance to put them into use is an invaluable experience.

We were greeted by several Syngenta professionals who took valuable time out of their busy schedule to spend time answering our questions and imparting meaningful advice. Being able to have this personal time with these professionals was such an impactful experience because they are models of what we aspire to achieve as MBA students. The fact that they took time out of their busy schedules to speak with us showed us their continuing commitment to UNCG.

After our time meeting with these professionals, we were given a tour of the research and development labs. Excitement was stirring as we were about to witness a part of business that we have never experienced in the classroom. Demonstrations were given on how the company formulates its products and engineers its packaging. This was an eye-opening experience. Most of us never realized just how much time, energy, and money goes into the development of these crucial business outputs. This gave us a new holistic perspective of what makes a company successful in today’s marketplace.

We finished the day back together with the professionals and had the opportunity to ask any lingering questions. As we left Syngenta that day, I was personally left with a few reflections of my own:

  • Businesses are bigger and more complex than I could have ever imagined.
  • I have such a great appreciation for Syngenta, and companies like them, that take time to invest in students like myself.
  • I am very thankful for the Bryan School and the many opportunities I have been provided during my time as a student!



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