Department of Management


Management is a demanding career, but it is also very rewarding. For students who want a major that is focused on real-world, career-focused skills and knowledge, the Department of Management at UNC Greensboro’s Bryan School of Business and Economics has offerings for you. We provide students the tools they will need to enter into and succeed in a fascinating and challenging career.

Department head

Dr. Vasyl Taras

Department Head

Our Approach

In various management courses, our students learn how to perform each of the typical management functions: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. We equip students with the evidence-based knowledge, practical skills, and character to become global business leaders. Students in the Department of Management benefit from the infusion of critical global economic issues throughout the curriculum.

Our Mission

Managers serve in informational, decisional, and interpersonal roles, whether it’s telling employees about what needs to be done to advance the business to making decisions about allocating resources to accomplish business objectives. The manager speaks for their department or unit, which may include communicating to top management or perhaps the media. Often, business decisions must be made without complete information or in situations where there is a great deal of uncertainty as to what will happen as a result of the decision.

Mission Statement

Available Programs

Our programs help to develop ethical leaders and exceptional problem solvers with analytical skills, an innovative mindset, a global perspective, and a broad understanding of sustainability.

BS in Business Administration
Business Administration Major

On Campus and Online Options

BS in International Business
International Business Major

On Campus and Online Options

Business Minor
Business Minor

On Campus and Online Options

MS in International Business
MS in International Business

On Campus and Online Options

PhD in Business Administration
PhD in Business Administration

On Campus and Online Options

Student Organizations

Student organizations are a great way to get involved with the campus and local communities, add to your resume, and build a stronger network. They allow you to network with students and community leaders, pursue new interests, and build leadership and career skills.

Contact Us

Reach Out

Phone: 336.334.5691

Fax: 336.334.5580


Mailing Address

Department of Management
P.O. Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402

Physical Address

Suite 366, Bryan Building
516 Stirling Street
Greensboro, NC 27412

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