Congratulations to Dianne Welsh for winning the All-Conference Best Paper Award!

Posted on January 24, 2019

Dianne Welsh, Hayes Distinguished Chair in Entrepreneurship, won the All-Conference Best Paper Award with co-author Eugene Kaciak (Brock University and Kozminski University) at the GIKA-LATAM Conference in Chile, January 15-18, 2019.

Dianne also delivered a keynote address on Student Success through Cross-Campus Entrepreneurship and later met for a state lunch with the university president, provost, government officials, and deans.

Below:  Dianne Welsh with UCSC Rector Christian Schmitz Vaccaro and her plaque award (far left);
and Dianne with the conference co-chairs Orlando Antonio Llanos Contreras and Manual Alonso Dos Santos (middle); Dianne with the Best Conceptual and Best Empirical Paper Award Winners (below,far right)


Below: Conference Attendees – Concepcion, Chile, January 2019;    and below right – Dianne giving keynote speech






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