Go-getter finds fit at UNC Greensboro

Posted on January 30, 2020

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While she’s currently majoring in marketing, Lilliana hopes to also add a minor in entrepreneurship and pursue a sales certificate.

If you walk up to Viva Chicken in Greensboro and see a line, you can bet that Lilliana Whitley is in the back smiling. Her job at the restaurant is to expedite orders. It’s a leadership position, one that requires hustle and focus. It fits perfectly with her drive and strong work ethic. She describes herself as “determined”, and she loves to stay busy!

Lilliana transferred to UNC Greensboro after attending the early college program and earning her associate degree at Greensboro Technical Community College. She always assumed she’d move to a bigger city to earn her undergraduate degree, but once she started exploring business schools, she decided her best bet was to stay in Greensboro.

“I did some research on all the schools in North Carolina with business programs, and I realized that UNCG actually has, I feel like, the best one in North Carolina. They have an affordable education and I heard so many great things,” said Lilliana.

While she’s currently majoring in marketing, Lilliana hopes to also add a minor in entrepreneurship and pursue a sales certificate. Her dream is to earn her real estate license, then build her own property management company. Her grandparents are in that business and have shown her how it can be done.

“It really made me think – they’ve inspired me,” said Lilliana.

Lilliana is relentless in her pursuit of professional development opportunities. While enrolled in the Blueprint 216: Blueprint for Professional Development course, she began learning about her personality and how she relates to others. She also received instruction related to resumes, internships, and career-building activities.

“I have learned a lot. I’m thankful for that. They thought about us. I have a friend who goes to (another university) and she doesn’t have those classes and she told me that it seems like she’s on her own,” said Lilliana. “With Business 216, they reassured me that I always have help – no matter what. I feel comfortable and know that when I graduate, I’ll be ready to go!”

She has participated in the Bryan Gold Career Development Program and joined Spartan Investment Club and the Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Club. She also plans to join the NC Sales Institute’s Student Business Group.

“I do definitely want to get more involved here with the community around UNCG and try new things,” she shared. “I want more knowledge. I want to learn.”




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