entrepreneurship Minor

Program Information

The minor boosts your job-ready skills and appeals to employers as all businesses need creative and innovative individuals-skills that are needed for 21st Century success. The minor gives you skills that can be applied for a lifetime as you change careers-flexibility, how to deal with ambiguity.  You can also start and grow a business or work for an existing for-profit or social entrepreneurial business. Students across campus can benefit by adding a minor from the Bryan School of Business & Economics.

We have the largest number of entrepreneurship courses in the State of North Carolina: more than 50 permanent courses in 26  departments/programs across campus. The minor has 2 options, a minor for business students (five courses) and a minor for non-business students (five courses) as well as the B.S. Entrepreneurship. Our program leads North Carolina in the number of courses and the selection across campus – be on the leading edge with your career!

The academic entrepreneurship program has won 7 major awards, including the 2012 Best Emerging Entrepreneurship Program by the U.S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers Excellence across the Curriculum Award, the Small Business Institute Best Practices Award for Creative Cross-Disciplinary Entrepreneurship, the Distinguished Education Program Award from the Academy of Educational Leadership, the Most Innovative Teaching Award from the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers, and our students placed 1st and 2nd in the U.S. for the Best Feasibility Plan!

Department Head

Merlyn Griffiths
Dr. Merlyn GriffithS

Department Head

[email protected]

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