This October, the Threads student organization held their third annual Pink Power Fashion Show, with student designers and stylists showcasing a total of 42 looks inspired by the powerful individuals that have fought and are still fighting breast cancer. Over the past two years, the group has raised enough money to help 477 women afford mammographies through the Cone Health Women’s Hospital.
Students are responsible for all aspects of the show, from finding volunteer hair and makeup stylists to managing designers, working with representatives from Cone Health Women’s Hospital, recruiting models, developing promotions, and running the event. They receive support from faculty advisors Dr. Seoha Min and Dr. Trish Kemerly.
The show is just one of the many events and professional preparation activities coordinated by the Threads group, which is lead by president Lindsay Sharpe ’18. The group was created for members to succeed in the apparel industry by allowing them to cultivate skills they’ll need, providing networking opportunities, and hosting social events.
In addition to their Pink Power show, Threads holds an annual fashion show each spring. Each year the group challenges student designers with a new theme. Next spring Threads will be celebrating their 13th annual spring fashion show. They also host an annual Retail Strategies Competition, where students prepare a paper and presentation based on a topic they’re given. Their work is reviewed by industry professionals, and the students whose work is ranked highest get to present their findings and are awarded scholarships. The group also holds a number of social events, such as movie nights and a Thanksgiving Potluck.
Threads hosts events including fashion shows and the Retail Strategies Competition to help their members cultivate direct skills they’ll need in their careers, but they also help with transferrable skills, too. When preparing for the fashion show, for example, students must meet deadlines for garment sketches and sewing progress. This helps members enhance their time management skills. During networking and social events, members are able to better their communication skills and make new connections, ranging from mentors and potential employers to peers and friends.
The Threads group has recently become available to students in all majors. For more information on Threads, please email them at You can learn more about the group at or through their pages on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.