Undergraduate Student Services at Bryan 301

Posted on January 01, 2017

Bryan Undergraduate Student Services is the home for a team of professional academic advisors dedicated to assisting students in every step of their Bryan School experience. Through their designated advisors, students can access a wealth of resources invaluable to their academic success and personal development.

For Nadia Clark-Brown, who has been a member of the advising team since 2012, advising and empowering students is a calling. “From day one, this has been the job for me. Supporting students and being the catalyst for their development is something I love.”

All the way from the first week of orientation until the verge of graduation, academic advisors oversee each student’s progress within their programs. Regular one-to-one advising meetings are held between students and their advisors, ensuring that students receive the opportunities to discuss their concerns and communicate their objectives, both inside and outside of the classroom. Advisors are well-equipped to provide essential advice and resources.

Topics discussed during advising meetings are personalized to meet individual needs. The discussions are based on the student’s academic status, course progress, major requirements, and potential concerns. Typical agenda includes some or all of the following areas:

  • Course scheduling for the coming semester(s)
  • Graduation planning
  • Study abroad resources and contacts
  • Direction for internship search
  • Class-specific tutoring opportunities

To assist students efficiently, Bryan Undergraduate Student Services actively collaborates with on-campus services, including the International Programs Center, Career Services Center, and the offices of each Bryan School major, as well as the surrounding community. Frequent collaboration allows the office to always keep students informed on the latest news, events, and opportunities that support their growth and development.

In order to take full benefit of the Bryan Undergraduate Student Services, students are encouraged to actively take ownership of their success. The simplest way to do this is to frequently communicate with your advisor, and plan your appointments early!

Ms. Clark-Brown’s words assure that student growth and success is in good hands. “It is a beautiful thing we have here. Our whole advising team has the same goal, the same passion- to support, guide, and develop our students throughout their journey, and to ultimately see them walk the stage.”


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