UNCG Bryan students unlock economic insights during visit to Federal Reserve Bank OF Richmond 

Posted on April 25, 2024



In March, a lucky group of students were asked to attend the Richmond Association for Business Economics (RABE) luncheon hosted at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond in Virginia. Among those students were UNC Greensboro Bryan School of Business and Economics students Luke Stewart, a junior Economics major, and Jules Belfi, a junior Entrepreneurship and Finance major. 

RABE was founded in 1984 and provides educational and networking opportunities to those interested in economics and its application to public policy. The association meets multiple times a year to discuss issues that may interest leaders in business, government, academia, and more. The March luncheon included networking opportunities and a chance to hear a presentation from labor economist Dr. Daniel Hamermesh as well as Sue Killam, a Professor in the Foundations of Economics Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin. 

Stewart is president of the UNCG chapter of the National Association of Business Economics (NABE), a professional organization for business economics. The chapter includes both a faculty and staff advisor from the Bryan School’s Department of Economics. 

“The RABE luncheon opened my eyes to new opportunities from the moment we walked into the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond,” said Stewart, who hopes he can experience the event again. 

Belfi, a fellow NABE member, also found the event enlightening. 

“Attending the RABE event provided a unique opportunity to dive into time use studies and economic analysis. The presentation by Dr. Hamermesh highlighted the importance of examining not only paid work but also non-market activities in understanding economic behavior,” she said. 

Bryan School leaders believe events like the RABE luncheon are just part of what makes the school’s hands-on, innovative learning experience so unique. 

“Experiences like this can be transformative as students consider what they want to do with their lives,” said Dr. Anne Royalty, head of the Department of Economics. “And the setting was a Federal Reserve Bank, an impressive building that is also a hub of economists making a difference in the world – that is inspiring!” 


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